Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Do you like part of the lyrics I wrote? (please answer 10 points!)?

the lyrics but I hope you like it :) It's kind of about a guy that
would always talk to me, but then one day he decided to not talk to me
anymore, and hasn't since. And we were best friends since we were
little. But yeah uh.. I don't know what I should call it because it's
also about how he's telling me like I should follow my dreams,
whatever they should be. But I still haven't gotten over this so I
wrote a song about it. And he's also going to college so that doesn't
really help much for me to ever get the chance to get to talk to him
again. But hope you like it :) Also I'm only 18 (well I just turned 18
yesterday lolz, and I'm a GIRl who loves music and acting, but I love
to write things that inspires people). Oh and it's supposed to be like
a slow pop/country song similar to Taylor Swift's style. But here's
the lyrics that I've written so far, also if you could help me figure
out a name for this I would really appriciate I'm thinking of calling
it "Where I Belong" but I don't know about that name, but once again
here's the lyrics:

I know this is where I belong
You said to never give up your dreams
This is where I want to be
This dream is so close to me, yet so far away
I will take it as far as I go


Even though you say I'll go far
You made me choose between me and you
You made me choose between me and you
I don't know what to do now
I want to continue my dreams as they travel on
But how will they end up?
When you made me choose, I felt so alone
in the dark, how'd we end up this way??



When you talked to me that day,
It was as if nothing was wrong
You need to walk, the walk just as you talk the talk
Where I belong is where I want to be
Where I belong is just as I should be

But when I look at your picture on my wall,
I remember those lectures you gave me
But I remember to just go on, move on, and stay strong
And as you said to I'll follow my dreams whatever they may be
Whatever they may be

Chorus x1

(end of song as of right now)

Is there anything I can do to make it better? Do you like it?? Also
what should I call it?? PLEASE DON'T STEAL THIS I OWN IT ALL! Thanks
in advance :)

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