Sunday, June 12, 2011

How to spoil a TV (television) set?

Many of you might think that its an irresponsible question. Well, its
I live in a hostel. My two roomies never go to attend lectures. They
sit up and watch TV at the fullest volume whole night long. Due to
that, I never get required sleep. I have to spend seven hours in the
lab during the day. My head aches constantly and terribly.

Please people.... I am in desperate need of help. I have tried every
possible way to make them stop watching tv full night long. I have
explained, I have requested, I have even threatened but no effect.

I need to get rid of this tv. I can't break the screen or cut the
wires because that is visible to everyone.

Does anyone knows any way in which I can spoil the tv without any
"externally visible" damage??
Thanks a ton in advance

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