Saturday, June 18, 2011

There are so many doctor and police shows on TV. Why don't they show the real reality, how to pay for help?

There are so many police and hospital shows shows nurses, doctors,
police, investigators, and surgeons and more bursting thru walls,
running down halls, desperate to save patients. Total BS!

Go to any hospital: no one is running down a hall, bursting out of an
elevator, screaming for help.

Why don't shows focus on the difficulty families have to face who do
not have insurance, or have limited coverage, or had good coverage but
the hospitals, doctors, and extended care used to its limits and now
the families of the sick or injured are faced with paying bills in the
millions of dollars?
Why isn't there a show which teaches people how to work the system?
How to avoid bankruptcy to help a loved one?

I like the show House, ER, and other med and cop shows but the reality
is: to save a loved one costs money, lots of money, and insurance that
doesn't want to cover a cent but will take 1000$ for years from the
insured. Why don't they demonstrate the unfairness in entitlements
which government officials earn which the tax-payers don't?

In a decade where "reality" television is a hit: can we please ask
that "reality" be shown?

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